Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Bonifacio's Hoodie

Bonifacio is the watchman at the dam. He wears a grey Volcom hoodie. The sleeves are a little long, but overall he wears it well.
That hoodie has come a long way.
It came with Sara, stolen from a now ex-boyfriend.
It was left behind one day, went missing for a few weeks, then appeared on Bonafacio. He has now adopted it.
We drive through the gate into the site in silence. I see the hoodie and think of a 9 hour road trip into B.C. sitting in the back of a black Jetta, staring over the grey hooded shoulder of a forgotten boy.
I see amusement in my cousin's face.
Bonafacio smiles back at us and lifts the gate. He thinks we must be extra happy to go to work today.

1 comment:

morganeliasmurray said...

For a girl with a B.Comm you sure got a way with the ole words.